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Single-Cell Proteogenomic Reference Maps of the Hematopoietic System Enable Massive Profiling of Precisely Defined Cell States

Learn how the systematic integration of cytometry and proteogenomic data enabled Dr. Sergio Triana and Dominik Vonficht to measure the functional capacities of precisely mapped cell states at the single-cell level.

Single-cell genomics has transformed our understanding of complex cellular systems. However, excessive costs and a lack of strategies for the purification of newly identified cell types have impeded functional characterization and large-scale profiling.

In this webinar, Sergio Triana of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory and Dominik Vonficht of the German Cancer Research Center will describe their latest work, where they generated high-content single-cell proteogenomic reference maps of human blood and bone marrow that quantitatively link the expression of up to 197 surface markers to cellular identities and biological processes across all major hematopoietic cell types in healthy aging and leukemia.

These reference maps enable cost-effective high-throughput cytometry schemes that outperform state-of-the-art approaches, accurately reflect complex topologies of cellular systems, and permit the purification of precisely defined cell states.

Triana and Vonficht will discuss how the systematic integration of cytometry and proteogenomic data enabled them to measure the functional capacities of precisely mapped cell states at the single-cell level. 

Single-Cell Proteogenomic Reference Maps of the Hematopoietic System

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